Planning: My Twelve Commandments

Ten Commandments

I have made a draft of my twelve commandments.  If anything changes before I start my project in March, I’ll let you know.

  1. One thing at a time.
  2. Give generously without expectations.
  3. Foster human connection.
  4. Allow yourself to dream – and then chase them.
  5. Own only what you can cherish.
  6. Be yourself.
  7. Let things go.
  8. Do it now.
  9. Do what you know is right.
  10. Act without fear.
  11. Create something.
  12. Treasure the moment.

I’ve also come up with 12 areas to focus on over the next 12 months.  Most of them mirror Gretchen’s, but some of her areas aren’t relevant for me since I’m not married and don’t have children.  Here are my 12 areas:

  1. Energy
  2. Attitude
  3. Passion
  4. Play
  5. Work
  6. Friends
  7. Spirituality
  8. Home
  9. Money
  10. Mindfulness
  11. Dreams
  12. Health

I have to admit, “health” and “energy” seem very similar to me, but I feel that they are somehow different.  If I find them to be too similar, I might combine them and choose another area, but for now, I’ll keep it.

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